Thursday, 30 April 2015

Review: Hypnosis Live, What Hypnosis Can Do for You

What Hypnosis Can Do for You

Hypnosis – huh – what is it good for? Absolutely anything.

That might be a slight exaggeration, but the truth is that hypnosis is being used more and more regularly to treat a wide range of conditions. Apart from its well-known benefits to help people quit smoking, lose weight, gain confidence, and a host of other self-help issues, the practice is gaining wider acceptance in the treatment of illness and disease.

One of the problems with hypnosis is the word itself. It’s been hyped to the max in Hollywood movies and the like, when in reality hypnosis is nothing like that. Hypnotizing someone by asking them to look into your eyes as you swing a pocket watch back and forth will be about as effective – and as successful – as asking your bank manager for a loan you don’t have to pay back.
Hypnosis Live

Hypnosis Makes You Receptive to Change

People fear the idea of hypnosis more than hypnosis itself, because they simply don’t really understand what it is. They wonder if they’ll go into a trance from which they won’t be able to wake up, or if the hypnotherapist will implant some wicked command in their mind as part of an evil scheme. But neither of these things could ever happen to anyone.

When you allow yourself to be hypnotized, the so-called “trance-like state” you enter is simply a state of focused attention. Your mind is relaxed, which makes it easier for you to accept suggestions and imagine possibilities. But you have to want to be hypnotized; you have to want to make changes in your life, or there isn’t a person on earth who can force you.

So what can you use hypnosis for? The practical applications are growing in number all the time and they include, among other things, the treatment of:

  • Asthma
  • Chronic pain
  • Pain during labor
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Snoring
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • ADHD
  • Warts and psoriasis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
Hypnosis has also been successfully used to facilitate dental and surgical procedures without the need for anesthesia. When used to help people kick bad habits, such as quitting smoking or losing weight, hypnotherapy is effective in at least fifty per cent of cases. It can even be employed to lower a person’s blood pressure.

Hypnosis Live
Hypnosis is a Natural State

Don’t let the idea of hypnosis keep you from experiencing it. In fact, you’ve already experienced it without even realizing! If you’ve ever found yourself daydreaming while reading a book or watching a movie, that’s exactly what hypnosis is like. You lose yourself in what you’re doing, and your attention is focused entirely on the act you’re performing to the exclusion of everything else.

During hypnotherapy, the therapist helps you achieve this daydream-like state on purpose. You shut out all external stimuli and direct your attention to a single thought, helping fire up your imagination and switch off your logical conscious mind. And that’s when you are most susceptible to suggestions.

If there’s an issue in your life you need to resolve, mental or physical, then maybe it’s time you thought about hypnosis as a possible solution. These days you can find a qualified hypnotherapist in any city, or you might prefer to tackle the problem in the comfort of your own home using hypnosis audio MP3s. Whichever route you decide to take, hypnosis could turn out to be your new best friend.
Hypnosis Live

To try out hypnotherapy for yourself, for free, visit Hypnosis Live at

Monday, 27 April 2015

How Hypnosis works, an introduction to the ins and outs of Hypnosis

How Hypnosis Works

­When you hear the word hypnosis, you may picture the mysterious hypnotist figure popularized in movies, comic books and television. This ominous, goateed man waves a pocket watch back and forth, guiding his subject into a semi-sleep, zombie-like state. Once hypnotized, the subject is compelled to obey, no matter how strange or immoral the request. Muttering "Yes, master," the subject does the hypnotist's evil bidding.


­This popular representation bears little resemblance to actual hypnotism, of course. In fact, modern understanding of hypnosis contradicts this conception on several key points. Subjects in a hypnotic trance are not slaves to their "masters" -- they have absolute free will. And they're not really in a semi-sleep state -- they're actually hyperattentive.
Our understanding of hypnosis has advanced a great deal in the past century, but the phenomenon is still a mystery of sorts. In this article, we'll look at some popular theories of hypnosis and explore the various ways hypnotists put their art to work.

People have been pondering and arguing over hypnosis for more than 200 years, but science has yet to fully explain how it actually happens. We see what a person does under hypnosis, but it isn't clear why he or she does it. This puzzle is really a small piece in a much bigger puzzle: how the human mind works. It's unlikely that scientists will arrive at a definitive explanation of the mind in the foreseeable future, so it's a good bet hypnosis will remain something of a mystery as well.


But psychiatrists do understand the general characteristics of hypnosis, and they have some model of how it works. It is a trance state characterized by extreme suggestibility, relaxation and heightened imagination. It's not really like sleep, because the subject is alert the whole time. It is most often compared to daydreaming, or the feeling of "losing yourself" in a book or movie. You are fully conscious, but you tune out most of the stimuli around you. You focus intently on the subject at hand, to the near exclusion of any other thought.

In the everyday trance of a daydream or movie, an imaginary world seems somewhat real to you, in the sense that it fully engages your emotions. Imaginary events can cause real fear, sadness or happiness, and you may even jolt in your seat if you are surprised by something (a monster leaping from the shadows, for example). Some researchers categorize all such trances as forms of self-hypnosis. Milton Erickson, the premier hypnotism expert of the 20th century, contended that people hypnotize themselves on a daily basis. But most psychiatrists focus on the trance state brought on by intentional relaxation and focusing exercises. This deep hypnosis is often compared to the relaxed mental state between wakefulness and sleep.

One of the best programs in today's world for Hypnosis is "Hypnosis Live". You can follow the banner link below for an introduction of this program.

Hypnosis Live

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Review: Subliminal360 by Inspire3 and Karl Moore. Are Subliminal Messages Fact or Fiction?

Subliminal Messages: Fact or Fiction?

Get ready for a shock, a statement that might blow your mind and send you reeling in disbelief:

Subliminal messages work!

Despite some bad press to the contrary, evidence exists that proves subliminal messages can be an effective way to achieve a range of goals under certain controlled conditions. If you want them to work for you, here’s what you need to know:

Subliminal360 Inspire3 Karl Moore

  • Not all subliminal message delivery systems are created equally. Make sure you get yours from a reputable supplier who has been in business for a long time and has plenty of satisfied customers.
  • To make subliminal messages work in your favor, you need to be motivated to change. If you have a passionate desire to lose weight, to quit smoking, or to improve your productivity, for example, then subliminal messaging technology will help you achieve your goal.

  • Using subliminal messages to enable you to make changes in your life is not a cop-out. They’re just another tool you have at your disposal to break bad habits and encourage new behaviors.
Here’s another way to look at it. If subliminal messages don’t work, why is there so much information written about them? Why do so many companies provide subliminal audio and video sessions? Surely if those sessions were useless, people would stop buying them and the companies would go out of business. But that’s not what’s been happening.
Subliminal360 Inspire3 Karl Moore

The Scientific Basis for Subliminal Messages

Your brain is the most complex machine known to man. It’s so complicated in fact, that even today we don’t know all that much about it. Some things, however, have been known for centuries.

We know, for example, that humans have a conscious and a subconscious mind. In simple terms, your conscious mind is only active when you’re awake. Your subconscious, on the other hand, is always active, and that brings up fascinating possibilities.

In the course of your day, you might hear or see something for a split second. In your conscious state you don’t take any notice of it, maybe because you’re rushing to get back to work after lunch, or struggling to get your car into the supermarket car park, or focused on what you’re going to prepare for your evening meal. You’re busy, there’s a lot to do, and there are only so many hours in the day. Makes sense that you couldn’t possibly focus on every single thing that happens.

Your subconscious mind, however, isn’t burdened by those decisions. It doesn’t have to worry about tonight’s meal, or driving the car, or getting back to the office, and so it’s free to let whatever else is going on around you drift right on in. So even if you’ve been exposed to “something” for a split second, your subconscious mind stores it away and you will be able to recall it at a later date.
Subliminal360 Inspire3 Karl Moore

It Just Pops Into Your Head

Ever sat watching a TV quiz show when a question came up that you answered instinctively? Then wondered how you knew it in the first place? It happens all the time. The information goes in, without your knowledge, and then when you need it... bam, it’s there. That’s the power exploited by subliminal messaging technology – the limitless power of the human mind.

The most important thing to remember about all this is that you have to be motivated to want to change. If you really want to do something about your figure, or your health, or your productivity, then subliminal technology will assist you in getting there.

Subliminal360 Inspire3 Karl Moore

To take advantage of subliminal messages, check out the Subliminal360 app for your PC at  

Monday, 20 April 2015

Subliminal Messages, The Roots of Subliminal Perception

Subliminal Messages

The Roots of Subliminal Perception

Subliminal messages and perception are linked to the idea of mind control, and the roots of this are placed very far back in our history. Mind control is where an individual or group of individuals can be controlled without their awareness. It is perception below the individual's/group's threshold. It is also the idea that people can be made to do things they would not ordinarily do. (Cane)
There are two basic ways in which subliminal messages can be sent to the unconscious- visual and auditory. Since at least the 5th century B.C., the early Greeks created the science of rhetoric as a way of influencing people. By infusing pieces of mind-persuading data into sentences people can be manipulated by the language they use. If they see or hear certain bits of information (i.e. words, fragments, or sentences) placed strategically, a person can be persuaded one way or another (without perhaps knowing). Based on experimental findings in social psychology and the way in which we process information, the effectiveness of subliminal perception has been continually examined throughout history. Subliminal messaging and mind control persists to be under scrutiny, as to whether it is capable of doing what it intends to do on the targeted person.

Subliminal Messages

We have reason to believe that subliminal messaging is effective based on findings in historical contexts. An example of auditory subliminal messaging dates back to the 1920s when the BBC began broadcasting on radio for the first time. The people of the era thought the radio was so sinister, they considered it to be the voice of the devil. The BBC wanted to change this attitude, so they placed certain phrases using backward masking in their jingles. This may be an example of subliminal messaging used to persuade an entire nation to responding other than how they necessarily wanted to. A radio jingle was aired, which sounded completely innocent, but when played backwards it reveals a different (true) purpose. The words "This is not a noose, no really its not." Can clearly be heard. The BBC believed the subconscious could pick up backward messages in ordinary speech. (Cane) The BBC is obviously still around today, so did this jingle serve its deeper purpose?

Public concern about subliminal manipulation can be seen in 1957 when a marketing researcher looked into statistical data. James Vicary claimed to find dramatic increases in the sales of Coca-Cola and popcorn when he flashed the phrases "Drink Coca-Cola" and "Eat popcorn" for 1/2000 of a second during a movie. The statistics showed an increase in popcorn sales by 58%, with an increase in Coca-Cola sales by 18%. (Cane) This is perhaps the shocking information that led to an enormous response from the public. Individuals as well as legislators imagined possible effects of subliminal perception on the future- a world where everyone was subliminally manipulated to do what perhaps the government wanted them to do. (Elliston) In reality though, research on subliminal effects has shown little overall effects in controlled conditions. There is no evidence based in real-world settings done by top researchers on influencing behavior. Also, in 1962, Vicary stated that the study was a fabrication and the evidence now suggests it was. He never released a detailed description of his study and there was never any independent evidence to support what he claimed.

Subliminal Messages

Throughout history, we have looked to political and governmental institutions to examine whether mind control and subliminal perception has been used amongst the general public. The CIA, for example, is one branch of government thought to use this technique in order to gain its authority over large bodies of people. If it is actually effective is up to public opinion of belief and personal reported experience.

The best program for Subliminal messages is Subliminal 360. Below you have a banner link to a unique experience with Subliminal messages.

Subliminal Messages

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Review: Jack Canfield, The Success Principles, Mastering your Life to have Freedom, Wealth and Happiness

The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

Since its publication a decade ago, Jack Canfield’s practical and inspiring guide has become a classic that has helped hundreds of thousands of people achieve success. Now, he has revised and updated his essential guidebook to reflect our changing times, featuring 100 pages of additional material, including a new section that offers a comprehensive guide to “Success in the Digital Age.”
In this special 10th Anniversary Edition, Jack Canfield turns to the principles he’s studied, taught, and lived for more than forty years in this practical and inspiring guide that will help any aspiring person get from where they are to where they want to be.

The success Principles Jack Canfield

The Success Principles™ will teach you how to increase your confidence, tackle daily challenges, live with passion and purpose, and realize all your ambitions. Not merely a collection of good ideas, this book spells out the 67 timeless principles and practices used by the world’s most successful men and women—proven principles and strategies that can be adapted for your own life, whether you want to be the best salesperson in your company, become a leading architect, score top grades in school, lose weight, buy your dream home, make millions, or just get back in the job market.

It’s been said that success in life is a lot like a connect-the-dots game. So many people have gone before us, that they’ve left clues about how to replicate their success. All we have to do is connect the dots.

Now, you can find 30 success strategies, all in one system for accomplishing any goal, living any dream and becoming successful in any area you choose. Step-by-step, over just 30 days’ time, you’ll discover proven success principles that have helped catapult the world’s leading achievers to the pinnacle of their careers… and the top of their field.

The success Principles Jack Canfield

For example, if you’ve ever wondered:

  • Where to start on your journey to a more successful life, you could refer to principle #1 for the answer.
  • How to motivate yourself when you’re surrounded by negative people, you’d find several options using principles #1, #9 and #19.
  • How to get started and complete an overwhelming big project, you’d find the solution in principles #13 and #14.
  • How to stay focused on your goals, when everyday stresses at work and home take away your best time and energy, you’d find the solution in principles #8 and #16.
  • How to prepare for an opportunity that would skyrocket your business, you could use principle #17.
  • How to have fun and fulfillment in virtually everything you do, you’d find principle #3 helpful.
  • How to see migraines disappear, depression lift and aliveness return, you’d find principle #27 helpful. (With this principle, people have even been known to look younger!)
  • How to learn new skills easier, you could use principle #7.  (In fact, Harvard University researchers found that students who used principle #7 in advance, before learning a new skill, performed tasks with nearly 100% accuracy, whereas students who didn’t use it, achieved only 55% accuracy.)
  • How to win back customers… you’d find principle #25 helpful.
  • How to delegate the work activities that rob you of time… and what’s the best leverage of your time and talent, you’d find principle #8 helpful.
  • How to get your staff working better as a team, become more pleasant to work with, more productive and even look forward to staff meetings, you’d find principle #4 helpful.
  • How to get your staff to become more self-sufficient and self-reliant – so for instance, they’re now dealing with “emergencies” themselves, you’d find principle #16 helpful.
Plus, anything else you need to know about success in vital areas of life, including your career, money, relationships, time management, health and personal fulfillment – can be found in this system. It’s like an encyclopedia of success.

 It’s Everything You Ever Needed to Know About Success – in One System!

The success Principles Jack Canfield


Monday, 13 April 2015

Binaural Beats, Stimulate your Brain with the Right Sounds to Heal, Pain Relief, Study, Meditate

Binaural Beats

Binaural beats, or binaural tones, are auditory processing artifacts, or apparent sounds, caused by specific physical stimuli. This effect was discovered in 1839 by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove and earned greater public awareness in the late 20th century based on claims coming from the alternative medicine community that binaural beats could help induce relaxation, meditation, creativity and other desirable mental states. The effect on the brainwaves depends on the difference in frequencies of each tone: for example, if 300 Hz was played in one ear and 310 in the other, then the binaural beat would have a frequency of 10 Hz.

Binaural Beats Brainwaves

The brain produces a phenomenon resulting in low-frequency pulsations in the amplitude and sound localization of a perceived sound when two tones at slightly different frequencies are presented separately, one to each of a subject's ears, using stereo headphones. A beating tone will be perceived, as if the two tones mixed naturally, out of the brain. The frequencies of the tones must be below 1,000 hertz for the beating to be noticeable. The difference between the two frequencies must be small (less than or equal to 30 Hz) for the effect to occur; otherwise, the two tones will be heard separately, and no beat will be perceived.

Binaural beats are of interest to neurophysiologists investigating the sense of hearing.
Binaural beats reportedly influence the brain in more subtle ways through the entrainment of brainwaves and provide other health benefits such as control over pain.

Binaural Beats Stress Fear Work
What Can Binaural Beats Do For Me?

Binaural beats, when used correctly under undisturbed conditions, have been said by users to produce any of the following depending upon the patterns utilized:

•deep relaxation
•meditative states
•an increase in happiness and mood
•a natural “high,” such as produced by drugs, called “recreational doses”
•an increased ability to focus
•increased intelligence and memory
•spiritual experiences, such as past life regressions, ESP and “Christ consciousness”
•increased metaphysical experiences, such as telekinesis and lucid dreaming
•enhance sexual performance/sexual enjoyment
•enhance physical abilities, such as sports activities
•achieve heightened sensory awareness and experiences
•improve physical complaints, from arthritis or eyesight to weight loss or acne
•increase creative abilities

There are more uses for binaural beats, including practical, recreational and spiritual applications. We’ve listed just a few here to give you an idea of the scope that clients use binaural beats for.

Binaural Beats Meditation

I hope this was very informative for you. I use Binaural Beats on a daily basis, sometimes during my morning meditation or just before I go sleep. I truely believe that all should at least once a day relax and be influenced by Binaural Beats.

The best place to buy Binaural Beats online today is from my friends at Binaural Beats Meditation. Follow the below Banner link to see all the beats the have to offer.

Binaural Beats Meditation

Monday, 6 April 2015

FREE Hypnosis MP3 for Anti Stress, Better Sleep, Focus your mind and much more FREE

"Change Your Life with Hypnosis MP3s"

 Hypnosis can be an incredibly powerful tool for changing your life.

You see the posters everywhere: "Lose weight with hypnosis!", "Stop smoking with hypnosis!"

But who really has the time or money to attend weekly sessions with a hypnotherapist? Not to mention the potential embarrassment of the whole experience?

Thankfully there is a solution. And it goes by the name of Hypnosis Live.

 Hypnosis Live is a website dedicated to providing instantly downloadable hypnosis MP3 audio.

Just listen in the comfort of your own home -- they claim -- and experience powerful, lasting change, within just one or two listening sessions.

Unlike most hypnotherapists, the Hypnosis Live site caters for over 200 different uses for hypnosis - covering everything from a fear of injections to improving your singing skills.
FREE MP3 Stress Relief Hypnosis

 Here are some of their most popular programs:

-- MONEY: Get richer by adopting a multi-millionaire's mindset
-- MEMORY: Seriously boost your memory and brainpower
-- WEIGHT LOSS: Program yourself to lose weight and get toned
-- CONFIDENCE: Turbo-charge your confidence levels, quickly
-- STOP SMOKING: Stop smoking forever, tried and tested route
-- PHOBIAS: Instantly dissolve absolutely any fear or phobia

Confidence Boosting, the Easy Way

This all sounds excellent -- but how do their hypnosis MP3 downloads perform? I decided to try one out for myself -- their "Instant Self-Confidence" MP3 session.

Purchasing was easy, and prices very reasonable, going as low as $4.95 when buying multiple. So I quickly downloaded the audio to my iPhone and began listening.

The whole experience lasted around 40 minutes. It started with a little conversation, then helped me to relax into a deep state of awareness. It felt incredibly relaxing. Then the hypnotherapist -- in a conversational tone -- helped to "reprogram" my confidence for optimal success. Combining both hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) techniques, the session helped to rewire the way I thought about myself, and taught me a simple "thumb-and-forefinger" trick for rocketing my confidence levels, whenever I needed a boost.
Hypnosis Live FREE MP3 Gift

 The session brought me back to regular waking life soon after, and I could instantly feel the benefits. I felt relaxed, content, but with a firm sense of self-worth.

Later that week, I had two big chances to use my new-found confidence skills, and the finger "brain hack" I'd been taught. On both occasions, my confidence glowed, and I performed at my absolute best.

And all after listening to the session just once. Pleased? Yes -- perhaps even a little ecstatic!

My Hypnotic Conclusion

For me, there's no doubt about it -- my confidence-boosting hypnosis session really paid off.

I felt an instant boost that has stayed with me over the past weeks.

The Hypnosis Live MP3 audio session was exceptionally high quality, and combining both hypnosis and NLP in a single session proved incredibly powerful.

My mini adventure into the world of hypnosis has truly inspired me. It's not just for stopping smoking. It could genuinely help anyone to become a money magnet, boost their brainpower, lose weight, rocket their confidence, get rid of fears, and much, much more. And all you have to do is click 'play', sit back, and listen.

In brief, I highly recommend Hypnosis Live!

(Plus, visit their 'gift' page at and you can also receive a FREE 'Eliminate Stress' hypnosis MP3, to try out their sessions for yourself.)
FREE MP3 Stress Relief

Learn More

Pros: Excellent hypnosis MP3s, budget prices, actually works!
Cons: No telephone support.

Life Coach 10: Vishen Lakhiani, Founder of Mindvalley, Education Hacker, Be Extraordinary, Awesomeness

10) Vishen Lakhiani (Mindvalley, Meditation, ...)

I’m the founder and CEO of Mindvalley, where I lead an amazing team of 100+ individuals focused on building disruptive systems that push humanity forward.
I’m a computer engineer by training. But beyond that, I’m a humanist. I stand for ideas, companies and products that allow human beings to live healthier, enhance their happiness and magnify their potential. What I stand against are ideas, dogma and business that promote unhealthy products, industrial age ideas, or primitive notions of man’s place in the world.
Vishen Lakhiani
As a result almost all my businesses involve products or services that change human behavior to encourage human beings to enhance their lives, their health, expand their visions and shake off the shackles from cultural baggage of the past. I call this culture hacking.
Through Mindvalley, I invest and build education companies. Our goal is to help spread enlightened ideas to 1 billion people by 2050, ideas that you won’t get from traditional education systems. Collectively, we’ve been growing like crazy and now employ brilliant minds from 30+ different countries, all of whom work in our playpen for adults aka Mindvalley HQ, billed by Inc Magazine readers as one of the World’s Coolest Offices in 2012.