Saturday, 18 July 2015

Review: Subliminal 360, How to Create Your Own Simple Subliminal Messages

How to Create Your Own Simple Subliminal Messages

Subliminal messaging technology is a complicated mixture of many different variables that can’t be thrown together at home in some kind of DIY fashion. However, there are some simple steps you can take that will help you come up with basic subliminal message recordings.

Why make your own recordings, especially when there are so many ready-made ones available? You might want to target a specific need using your own voice, or using your partner’s voice, or using a particular musical track. Devising your own recording in this way adds that personal touch you can’t get anywhere else.

Create your own simple Subliminal Messages
Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Pinpoint the reason for the recording. In other words, what do you want the recording to help you achieve? What do you want to change? What’s the ultimate goal behind making the recording in the first place? Be as specific as you possibly can so that you’ll be able to fine-tune your messages for maximum impact.

  1. Write positive affirmations that fit your specific goal. Affirmations are generally short, positive, and written in the first person. If your goal is to lose weight, for example, then your affirmations might resemble these: 
o   I can lose weight easily.

o   I am able to stick to my diet.

o   I am getting slimmer every day.

The more positive affirmations you write the better. You want to be able to influence your subconscious mind with as many positive and motivating phrases as possible.
Create your own simple Subliminal Messages

  1. Put your affirmations to work on your behalf. There are two different ways you can do this:
o   Choose the 5 strongest affirmations, write them down, and repeat them to yourself every morning and night.

o   Record all of the affirmations and listen to them at any time of day when you have a few minutes of spare time.

  1. If you want to record your affirmations in a more professional manner, you’ll need to use some form of audio recording software. This allows you to layer vocal and musical tracks together, mix them up, play them backwards, pan them from left to right, and so on. Free software such as Audacity would be perfect for this.

  1. Save your recording as an Audacity file, even if you think it’s perfect. You can export it as an MP3 file to play on any device, but there may come a time in the future when you want to add additional affirmations to it. Saving it in this manner gives you the option of changing or extending the subliminal recording at a later date.

  1. Transfer your MP3 recording to the medium of your choice (CD, phone, MP3 player, etc.) and listen to it at your leisure. Best times for listening are when you’re not busy doing something else, and while you’re sleeping. Listen while you’re relaxing to give the messages a chance to make their way into your subconscious, without outside distractions making things more difficult.
Create your own simple Subliminal Messages
The final crucial ingredient in the process is patience. If you expect to read your affirmations or listen to your messages once and completely change your life, you’re going to be disappointed. Your subconscious mind needs time to absorb the information and reprogram itself to your new way of thinking, and that takes as long as it takes. So be persistent, keep listening (or reading), and your dedication and determination will be rewarded.

If that all sounds like too much hard work, you can take advantage of hundreds of ready-made subliminal messages using the very latest technology. Check online to explore the wide range of sessions which have been specially designed to address almost every area of your life.
Create your own simple Subliminal Messages

To flash subliminal messages on your PC, check out the Subliminal360 app at

To download your own subliminal MP3s, or create your own custom album, visit Subliminal Guru at



  1. I would wait to purchase Subliminal 360 if you are interested in using the Brain Hacker MP3s that come with the software. Customer service has made it clear that they are not available to be downloaded as MP3 files, contrary to their advertisement. Even though their brainwave session indicates "use anytime, anywhere" customer service has made it clear to me that the Brain Hacker library can only be run from within the Subliminal 360 program (which is installed on your PC), so this is not available online nor available to download to your iTunes or mobile phone music library, hence you are limited to running their Brain Hacker sessions from your PC. All other products (Hypnosis Live and Zen12) can be downloaded into MP3 files, except their Brain Hacker sessions that come with Subliminal 360. I will update all reviews to make sure this is made known to prospective buyers, including the Neuro-gym community. To this date I have not heard back from customer service about how we can run the Brain Hacker session outside of the PC installed software, but when they have provided a solution I will either update this review or create a new review with an update.

  2. I purchased the subliminal 360 program and was not able to create mp3s as advertised. I contacted the company and was initially told that they would let development know and advise of a solution (other than uninstalling and reinstalling the program, which I did multiple times). I was not provided any solution, so I asked for a refund, and they promptly complied. However, I was interested in using this program and have asked for an update once the issue has been resolved. Unfortunately, none has been found so far. Has anyone else had this issue when attempting to create mp3s with this program, and if so, was a solution found? Thanks.

  3. Full Subliminal360 Review here!
